Night of the Bolzano Museums - 2013

29.—30.11.2013, 16:00—01:00
Klaus Pobitzer, Lumina Nigra 2, detail.  Foto Klaus Pobitzer, courtesy the artist

During the “Night of the Bolzano Museums”, Museion offers an extensive and exciting programme, with something for all ages and tastes!

4 pm. - 8 pm.
Workshops for children

4 pm. - 8 pm.
Art conversations

4:30 pm., 5:30 pm., 6:30 pm.
Guided tours for children and families

4 pm. -
Art conversations (italian, german)

6 pm. - 11 pm.
Guided tours (every hour, italian, german)

7:30 pm.
Opening of the exhibition “…und nun von einer Grönlandsfahrt, von einem Walfischfange zurückkäme…” (Goethe, 1829)/ Gabriela Oberkofler.

Presentarion of the art-project Il Presepe sull’albero/ Marcello Jori

Opening of the Christmas exhibition of south tyrolean art galleries

antonella cattani contemporary art, ES contemporary art gallery, Galeria Goethe, Galleria Leonardo

8 pm. - 12 pm.
San Keller
Bewerbungsgespräche/ Performance

12 pm.
Guided tour with the director of the Museion, Letizia Ragaglia (Show: Migros Meets Museion)

1 am.
Screening on the media façade
Gabriela Oberkofler, Ohne Titel, 2012

Night of the Bolzano Museums - 2013

Guided Tour, Workshop, Media Façade

29.—30.11.2013, 16:00—01:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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