39. Festival zeitgenössischer Musik Bozen

27.11.2013, 07:00
Quartetto Prometeo.  Courtesy the artists

7 p.m.: guided tour through the exhibition „When Now is Minimal. The unknown Side of the Sammlung Goetz” with Letizia Ragaglia. 8 p.m.: concert of the string quartet „Prometeo” as part of the 39th Festival of contemporary music with works of Stefano Gervasoni, Philip Glass, Manuela Kerer and David Lang.

Entrance including the guided tour: 10 € (reduced 7€)

Tel. 0471 329121-973864

39. Festival zeitgenössischer Musik Bozen

Guided Tour, Performance

27.11.2013, 07:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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