Collateral event Carol Bove / Carlo Scarpa: Meeting with Alba Di Lieto and Pavel Pyś

05.02.2015, 19:00—20:30

He preferred to build museums rather than skyscrapers: we are talking about Carlo Scarpa, one of the absolute protagonists of the Italian architectural scene of the twentieth century.

The Carol Bove / Carlo Scarpa exhibition, currently underway at Museion, offers the opportunity to reflect on the figure of the famous Venetian architect. Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978) is the author of some of the most revolutionary installations of prestigious Italian museums: from the Accademia Galleries in Venice to the Canoviana Gipsoteca in Possagno, from the Regional Gallery of Palazzo Abatellis in Palermo to the Castelvecchio Museum in Verona. It introduces him to a great expert on Scarpa’s work and museum displays: Alba Di Lieto, head of the Carlo Scarpa archive at the Castelvecchio Museum in Verona.

By telling the story of the individual objects by Carlo Scarpa exhibited in the exhibition at Museion - sculptures, but also exhibition structures - Alba Di Lieto illustrates Carlo Scarpa’s art of presentation and its conservation, themes that led to the encounter with American artist Carol Bove and guided her unprecedented research promoted by the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds (England). The Alba di Lieto conference is followed by a visit to the Carol Bove/Carlo Scarpa exhibition with Pavel Pyś, curator of the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds, in dialogue with Alba di Lieto and Letizia Ragaglia, director of Museion.

The meeting takes place in Italian and English.

Alba Di Lieto, graduated in architecture in Venice, has published, among other things, the catalogs of Carlo Scarpa’s drawings for Castelvecchio and for the Ottolenghi house, as well as several volumes on the themes of exhibiting in museums. As an architect of the Art Museums and Monuments Directorate of the Municipality of Verona, he collaborates on the restoration and museum arrangements of monumental buildings and has designed the installations of numerous Veronese exhibitions, recently “Paolo Veronese. The illusion of reality, Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Verona” (2014).

Pavel S. Pyš, a graduate of Goldsmiths College London and the London School of Economics & Political Science, has been a curator at the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds since 2011. In the same year he was among the curators selected for the residency program for young curators of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation of Turin. Pyš won the first Curatorial open at the Zabludowicz collection in London.

Collateral event Carol Bove / Carlo Scarpa: Meeting with Alba Di Lieto and Pavel Pyś


05.02.2015, 19:00—20:30

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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