Walter Pichler: Platform über dem Bach

06.06.2015, 16:00

Museion Passage - Val d’Ega, Haus neben der Schmiede

Walter Pichler, Plattform über dem Bach. Foto: Christian Rigliaco

4.00 p.m.: Exhibition opening in Museion Passage, Bolzano.
6.00 p.m.: Presentation of the platform in Val d’Ega, Haus neben der Schmiede.

È a square large quattro metri per quattro. The pavimento è di larice, the struttura portante è d’acciaio laccato rosso bruno. It does not have a function in particular, the details are realized with precise dimensions. The picture of the torrent Ega nell’omonima valle altoatesina, pensata dal celebre artista Walter Pichler a complete della della “House next to the blacksmith shop” (Casa vicino alla fucina).

The artist, deceduto nel 2012, did not see the realization of the piattaforma. The project is concretized and presented in the dates of the cugini, proprietari of the same Stahlbau Pichler di Bolzano. The 6th day of the “Piattaforma sul torrente” was finally inaugurated and presented, in an eclectic way, in public and at the beginning of the Museion Passage la mostra che illustra il progetto, dall’ideazione alla realizzazione, attraverso diverse materialsi inediti dell’artista e a selection of photography.

A free shuttlebus is provided between Museion and Val d’Ega.

Walter Pichler: Platform über dem Bach


06.06.2015, 16:00

Location: Museion Passage - Val d’Ega, Haus neben der Schmiede

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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