In Context: Über die Kraft und den Widerstand der Poesie

  • Reservation required
08.06.2023, 18:00


As part of the exhibition Shimabuku. Me, We

Shimabuku, Flying Me, 2006.
Part of

The 3-part educational series Im Kontext expands the ongoing exhibitions in spring 2023 with locally networked, interdisciplinary topical excursions that lead out of the field of art to other, regional fields of activity.

The format is accessible to all, broad in subject matter and invites local experts from different societal spheres to engage in a shared dialogue with the audience. In this session, we will focus on the poetic aspect present in the work of the artist Shimabuku (Kobe, 1969). His artistic expression does not come from within, but rather questions our habits and the way we perceive things through the power of the imagination, amidst associations and reversals.

Shimabuku disrupts our world view through subtle provocations and ironies. The fact that our present is continuously threatened today does not prevent the artist from representing it artistically through wonder and joy. In conversation about the power and resilience of poetry, Brita Köhler talks with Christine Vescoli, director of Literatur Lana, and poet and award-winning language artist Greta Maria Pichler, in an artistic dialogue with Shimabuku.

​Im Kontext is part of the educational programme Museion Academy - Lifelong Learning, which is open to all.
This event is free of charge.
Registration required: book now on Eventbrite
The event will be held in German.

In Context: Über die Kraft und den Widerstand der Poesie


08.06.2023, 18:00

Location: Museion

Moderation: Brita Köhler, Christine Vescoli

Part of

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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