Talk with the Director of Kunsthalle Wien

23.06.2016, 19:00

In-depth analysis Korakrit Arunanondchai

Sabine Hauswirt.  Courtesy Kunsthalle Wien 2014

7.00 pm guided tour with Letizia Ragaglia (in italian)
8.00 pm talk with Nicolaus Schafhausen (in german)

Taking his cue from the exhibition he curated, entitled “The future of memory”, the Director of Kunsthalle Wien explores the role of memory in the era of digital communications, when it comes ro representing the past, present and future. The event is preceded by a guided tour of the exhibition led by Letizia Ragaglia, Museion’s Director.

Talk with the Director of Kunsthalle Wien

Guided Tour

23.06.2016, 19:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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