Opening 1+1=3 // INTERMEZZO 1 (inthebubble)

07.06.2018, 19:30

Museion Casa Atelier

GAP @ Atelier

1+1=3 // INTERMEZZO 1 [inthebubble] (c) GAP Glurns Art Point

Curator Davide Bevilacqua: “We want to start from our position, thinking that we are living in our “art bubbles”, and end up discussing with you how to reach people outside our bubble.”

For Intermezzo 1  all the artists involved in the “1+1=3” project (Alessandro Cacciotti, Federica Bruni, Fernando Garcia Mendez, Frances Drayson, Antonio Villa, Jacob Wolff, Franziska Schink, Maria Mathieu, Pascal Lampert, Pierangelo Giacomuzzi, Bianca Mann , Zoya Sardashti, Janina Lange, Michael Dlugosch, Mara Lea Hohn, Celeste Rojas Mugica) are invited to contribute to the theme [inthebubble], to reflect on the so-called “social bubbles”. A “social bubble” is a kind of social group made up of individuals who share interests and experiences. Groups like “the artists of Bolzano” or “the roller skaters of the north of Rome” live on close social relationships with each other. Interlude 1 explores how these bubbles work together and interact in society.

Every society can be seen as a conglomerate of a large amount of bubbles, which are individuals and groups, which are sometimes hermetically separated, sometimes entering into connection with each other. Many different bubbles make for a very different society. If social groups do not interact with each other, society will be very fragmented.
The opening will be preceded by an informal conversation on the themes of the exhibition, at 5pm with artists and guests – interested parties are welcome.

1+1=3 or how to (de)build a space in three acts is a transdisciplinary project on the themes of interpersonal coexistence and the composition - and subsequent development - of social and individual spaces. Through the points of view of 20 male and female artists, who have spent a period of residency in the Casa Atelier in Glorenza since the birth of GAP, 1+1=3 questions, in three exhibitions, the construction and deconstruction of the spaces in which we live.

GAP Glurns Art Point, founded in 2012 as the first studio house in South Tyrol, offers local and international artists and curators a temporary work and project space. In the Museion atelier house, GAP will curate – making use of the collaboration of artists and curators and existing resources – a participatory project experiment with real-time broadcasts and a collective exhibition.

Opening 1+1=3 // INTERMEZZO 1 (inthebubble)


07.06.2018, 19:30

Location: Museion Casa Atelier

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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