Somatechnics Performance

14.06.2018, 20:00—21:00

Muna Mussie, Milite ignoto

Foto: Milite Ogbazghi, courtesy the artist

Memories, heritage, identity, are the areas of research in which Muna Mussie, an artist born in Eritrea, who lives and works between Bologna and Brussels, moves.

In the performance at Museion Mussie starts from the meaning of the word soldier and from the coincidences that arise from this analysis to develop a possible - impossible interview between video and live actions, in a journey between personal and collective stories. In common language, the Milite ignoto is in fact a symbolic and real monument to the memory of the fallen, which is not linked to a precise identity.

In the artist’s mother tongue, the word “milite” means Mary – as well as being the name of the artist Milite Ogbazghi’s grandmother “it was a surprise to discover that Milite in my mother tongue, Tigrinya, means Mary and that Mary is the name of the woman who was assigned the task of choosing, in the immediate post-war period, the coffin containing one of the many anonymous bodies fallen in war that would represent and honor them over time, namely the Unknown Soldier.” Thus Muna Mussie, who with her work wants to “undermine the certainties of rational thought and unlock emotional levels that lead to subjective and arbitrary truths, causing an inevitable short circuit” Milite ignoto thus fits into the themes of the “Somatechnics” exhibition, which investigates themes such as identity, comparing the positions of male and female artists working in Austria and Italy.

Somatechnics Performance


14.06.2018, 20:00—21:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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