Special guided tour with Lisa Mazza and Simone Mair (BAU) at the “unlearning categories” exhibition

  • Reservation required
09.07.2020, 19:00
Courtesy Acquisti di opere d’arte, Provincia autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige, Ripartizione Cultura tedesca. Foto Luca Guadagnini / Lineematiche

Special long Thursday at Museion next July 9th: at 7pm there will be a special visit with Lisa Mazza and Simone Mair (BAU), curators of the recently inaugurated unlearning categories exhibition.

The exhibition is the first exhibition of works of art purchased by the Province between 2012 and 2018 and presents over sixty works including paintings, drawings, photographs and installations by over 50 artists. The public will thus have the opportunity to discover the works of art, usually exhibited in the offices of the Province, according to the route proposed by the curators and conceived as a suggestive exploration in the woods.

Taking inspiration from contemporary thinkers such as Donna Haraway and Anna Tsing, the exhibition invites us to abandon pre-existing knowledge and categories - hence the title “unlearning categories” - and rediscover the complexity of our being in the world in the symbiosis between humans and non-humans.

The guided tour is free and takes place in both Italian and German; Reservations are mandatory by calling 0471 223413 during Museion opening hours. The exhibition is an initiative of the German Culture Division in cooperation with Museion.

Special guided tour with Lisa Mazza and Simone Mair (BAU) at the “unlearning categories” exhibition

Guided Tour

09.07.2020, 19:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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