“unlearning categories” – a dialogical guided tour with the mycologist Ursula Peintner and curators Lisa Mazza and Simone Mair

23.07.2020, 19:00
Courtesy Acquisti di opere d’arte, Provincia autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige, Ripartizione Cultura tedesca. Foto Luca Guadagnini / Lineematiche

What are mycorrhizal fungi?

How can we imagine the coexistence between different species or organisms and what has it got to do with art? The unlearning categories exhibition has been conceived by the curators as an imaginary exploration of a forest in which the public meets 60 artworks by different local artists.

The special guided tour with the mycologist Ursula Peintner and the curators stimulates a conversation between natural sciences and art that passes through the different moments the exhibition is divided into. Namely: humus, in-between beings, matter, collectivity, lines, porosity, interstices, sediments and assemblages.

In German. Reservation required by writing to visitorservices@museion.it or by phoning 0471 223413 during Museion opening hours. The exhibition is a German Culture Department initiative organised in collaboration with Museion.

“unlearning categories” – a dialogical guided tour with the mycologist Ursula Peintner and curators Lisa Mazza and Simone Mair


23.07.2020, 19:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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