Guided tour of the exhibition “Mirror Language” with the Museion Director Bart van der Heide

05.08.2021, 19:00—20:00


Foto Luca Guadagnini / Lineematiche

An excellent opportunity to visit an exhibition “in a different way”, narrated directly by its curator.

The Museion Director Bart van der Heide will conduct a guided tour around the “Mirror Language” exhibition of Jimmy Robert’s work that he curated himself. Mirror Language - a project organized in close collaboration with Nottingham Contemporary and CRAC Occitanie - is the first survey in Europe of Jimmy Robert (b. Guadeloupe, France, 1975, lives and works in Berlin) and his début show in Italy. The exhibition on the fourth floor includes works on paper, installations, photography, videos, films and artist’s books produced by Robert in the last 20 years.

Inspired by key figures in contemporary art, like the choreographer Yvonne Rainer and the conceptual artist Stanley Brouwn, Robert’s art extends the classic disciplines of language to performance. His work therefore opens up new politicized perspectives on vulnerability, identity and gender. Using humble materials like paper and masking tape, Robert’s work focuses on voices in history that have been intentionally muted. His art shows that, despite this, these voices are never really silent. In fact, they leave long-lasting traces that are passed on through small gestures and intimate acts of care, mirroring and embodiment.

In this special evening, Museion will be open, like every Thursday, until 10 pm. Admission is free from 6 pm onwards. Reservations are required ( | 0471 223413). The number of participants is limited.

Admission is free, but reservations are required: | 0471 223413
The number of participants is limited.
Language: German

Guided tour of the exhibition “Mirror Language” with the Museion Director Bart van der Heide

Guided Tour

05.08.2021, 19:00—20:00

Location: Museion

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