13.11.2015, 20:00

Opportunities for collaboration between the worlds of art and business.

ewoTALKS, Museion 2015. Foto: Luca Meneghel

With Matthias Mühling (Director Lenbachhaus Munich), Hannes Wohlgemuth (ewo) and Mark Möllenbruck of Meiré und Meiré in Cologne.

This is the last in this year’s series of ewoTALKs, the events devoted to the relationship between art, design, business and technology conceived by Museion in collaboration with ewo. According to the experts the future is all about open systems. Living and working in open systems calls for special skills: autonomy, profile, positioning, and the ability to act with flexibility and creativity, attentive to a constantly changing scenario. Thinking and acting innovatively are typical characteristics of the world of art.

But how much does the business world need art, and, conversely, how much does the art world need business? How can artists interface with the world of business, and how can business people make a commitment to culture? How to implement fruitful processes of collaboration between all parties? These are the key issues up for discussion between Matthias Mühling, Director of the Lenbachhaus in Munich, Hannes Wohlgemuth (Marketing and Sales, ewo) and Mark Möllenbruck of the internationally renowned design studio Meiré und Meiré, Cologne. The discussion will be moderated by Susanne Barta (ewo) and recorded by RAI Südtirol. The ewoTALK will be preceded by a special tour led by Matthias Mühling (director of Lenbachhaus, Munich) of the Cerith Wyn Evans exhibition (7 pm).

In German.



13.11.2015, 20:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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