In dialogue.

21.05.2020, 19:00
Shohachiro Takahashi, A cry for A. Breton, -a/-b, 1990 , Collection ANS. Foto Anna Cerrato

Museion presents “In dialogue”, three meetings to discover the “Intermedia” exhibition with the museum team.

The first appointment takes place on Thursday 23 January at 7pm: for the occasion Elena Bini, Collection/Archive Organization Manager and Alessandra Riggione, Museion Library, will lead the public through the history of the New Writing Archive and artists’ books . The exhibition presents over two hundred works from Paolo Della Grazia’s collection dedicated to research between word and image with particular attention to the movements of Visual and Visual Poetry, Concrete Poetry and Fluxus.

Far from being a simple collection, in the 1980s and 1990s the New Scripture Archive stood out in Milan as a workshop of ideas, a physical place (in Via Orti 16) where exhibitions, events, performances and meetings took place , documented through a rich editorial and video production that has come down to us. In 1998 the collector Paolo Della Grazia decided to place his collection, among the most important in the sector worldwide, at the Museion in Bolzano and at the Mart in Rovereto, to encourage its study and valorization.

In dialogue.


21.05.2020, 19:00
14.05.2020, 19:00
23.01.2020, 19:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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