Artist Talk - Cristian Chironi in conversation with Jean-Louis Cohen

15.10.2020, 18:00
FIAT 127 Special (Camaleonte) - Museion version, 2020. Cristian Chironi Museion Bolzano

As part of the “Picnic” project by the artist Cristian Chironi, Museion invites a talk between the artist and Jean-Louis Cohen, architect and architectural historian.

The conversation will start from the figure of Le Corbusier, one of the most influential personalities in contemporary architecture and urban planning, to talk about the relationships between landscapes and forms of living encountered by Chironi in his performances and in his artistic practice. For the My house is a Le Corbusier project, Chironi is in fact living in the houses built by the great architect in twelve countries. Drive is the latest development of this artistic undertaking, aimed at exploring different cities aboard a Fiat 127 Special.

In the performance, which also touched Bolzano on October 3rd, the artist himself drives the car on a tour of urban reflection and visions out the window. The meaning of staying and inhabiting a place, but also of traveling through different geographies are in fact at the center of the artist’s practice, who conceives his work first and foremost as a physical challenge. The talk at Museion will therefore be an opportunity to delve deeper into Cristian Chironi’s practice with Professor Cohen, whose writings were used by the artist in his long research.

The event, in collaboration with the Faculty of Design and Arts of the Free University of Bolzano, will be moderated by Roberto Gigliotti, Professor of Interior and Exhibit Design of the Faculty, and by Frida Carazzato, Museion, curator of the Chironi project. 

In Italian language. Reservation recommended by writing to Tel. 0471 223413. The event will be broadcast live on Facebook from the Museion page and live on Zoom (for the link consult the social channels and the Museion web page).

Save the date: Please remember that for the entire month of October the artist is available to the public in the Cubo Garutti space, every afternoon from 3pm to 6pm; to book an appointment, the public is invited to write to their email address

Artist Talk - Cristian Chironi in conversation with Jean-Louis Cohen


15.10.2020, 18:00

In collaboration with
UNIBZ - Faculty of Design and Art

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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