Talk Series: Cultural Heritage - Studium General


Museion announces a series of events entitled Today is tomorrow’s yesterday.

Conversations and excursions on cultural heritage at the crossroads of time that continues an in-depth discussion on cultural heritage in the sphere of the Studium Generale. In contrast with the traditional vision that sees termination principally in relation to the past, this series of meetings looks at cultural heritage from a new, more extensive perspective that includes aspects of the present as well as questions posed to the future.

The aim of this series of events, organised in eight meetings is to create a conversation around the historical and contemporary aspects associated with the construction and preservation of cultural heritage, as well as its visibility and our collective responsibility to it. The program includes talks on specific subjects with guests from the world of art, culture and business, backstage insights into the local institutions involved in constructing and preserving cultural heritage as well as special city excursions in search of past and present.

01.04.22, 18.00-20.00

Kulturelles Erbe – Gestern & Heute. Themen-Einführung mit Besuch des Museion Sammlungsdepots / Il patrimonio culturale – ieri & oggi. Introduzione tematica e visita del deposito di Museion

Talk e visita con:
Waltraud Kofler Engl (unibz, Direktorin der Plattform Kulturerbe & Kulturproduktion)
Bart van der Heide (Museion, Direktor)
Elena Bini (Museion, Responsabile organizzazione collezione/archivio)

Lingua: italiano/tedesco, Museion, in presenza

28.04.22, 18.00-20.00

The Ethics of Dust. Quando il patrimonio culturale incontra l’arte contemporanea.
Talk con Jorge Otero-Pailos (artista/artist) e Hedwig Fijen (founding director of Manifesta, the European Biennal of Contemporary Art) con il gentile sostegno dei/with the kind support of Museion Private Founders MPF.
​Lingua: inglese, Museion, in presenza

05.05.22, 18.00-20.00

Behind the Scenes. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte als Basis der Schaffung und Bewahrung des Kulturellen Erbes
Talk con: Maria Niederstätter (Gründerin der Niederstätter AG, Kulturförderin & Vizepräsidentin der Museion Private Founders), Siegfried de Rachewiltz (Ethnologe/ Kulturhistoriker).
Sprache: DE, Museion, VOR ORT

12.05.22, 17.00-20.00

Raccontare la cittĂ . Sulle tracce della storia del quartiere di Don Bosco
Passeggiata teatrale con:
Bolzanism Storytellers (Bolzanism Museum)
Roberto Gigliotti (unibz, FacoltĂ  di Design e Arti)
Waltraud Kofler Engl (unibz, Direttrice Piattaforma Patrimonio Culturale e Produzione Culturale)
Frida Carazzato (Museion, assistenza curatoriale)
​Lingua: italiano, BOLZANISM INFOPOINT, in presenza

19.05.22, 18.00-20.00

Nero su bianco. Il patrimonio culturale delle biblioteche di Unibz e Museion
Talk & Workshop in collaborazione con:
Gerda Winkler (unibz, Biblioteca)
Paolo Buoso (unibz, Biblioteca)
Alessandra Riggione (Museion, Biblioteca)
Brita Köhler (Museion, Responsabile servizi al pubblico/progetti educativi)
​Lingua: italiano, UNIBZ, aula F0.03, in presenza

25.05.22, 17.00-20.00

Al crocevia del tempo. Architettura e storia lungo l’asse del Talvera
Tour urbano con:
Roberto Gigliotti (unibz, FacoltĂ  di Designe Arti)
Waltraud Kofler Engl (unibz, Direktorin der Plattform Kulturerbe & Kulturproduktion)
Lingua: italiano/tedesco, in presenza

09.06.22, 18.00-20.00

Im Geist der Avantgarde. Aufbruch und Bewegung im kĂĽnstlerischen Erbe der Erika Giovanna Klien
Dialogischer Ausstellungsrundgang mit:
Bart van der Heide (Museion, Direktor)
Andreas Hapkemeyer (Museion, Forschung/ Lehre)
Brita Köhler (Museion, Verantwortliche Besucherservice/Bildungsprojekte)
Sprache: DE, Museion, VOR ORT

More information on all events and how to register is available on Eventbrite
Download the flyer with all event information

Talk Series: Cultural Heritage - Studium General



Project leaders: Gerhard Glüher, Waltraud Kofler Engl, Brita Köhler
Platform Cultural Heritage and Cultural Production, Faculty of Design and Art,
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
In collaboration with the Lifelong Learning educational programme Museion Academy,
Museion museum of modern and contemporary art Bozen/Bolzano
Curated by: Waltraud Kofler Engl, Brita Köhler
Graphics: Gaia Piccarolo

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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