The Media Façade in July in collaboration with Bolzano Danza

28.07.2016, 22:00
Rachid Ouramdane, Mehdi Meddaci. Les yeux tournent autour du soleil, Museion Facciata Mediale 2016. Foto, courtesy of the artists

The July screening on the media façade is in collaboration with the Bolzano Danza Festival, and is based on a “duet” between the choreographer Rachid Ouramdane and the artist Mehdi Meddaci.

9.00 pm artist talk
10.00 pm screening and performance

The project, curated by Frida Carazzato and entitled Les yeux tournent autour du soleil, uses poetic images and the human body in motion to explore how we look at others, and how we relate to what is unfamiliar and different. The events feature Marie Fonte and Lora Juodkaitetwo, two of the star performers from the Centre Chorégraphique National de Grenoble, which is directed by the Ouramdane.


The Media Façade in July in collaboration with Bolzano Danza

Media Façade, Performance

28.07.2016, 22:00
21.07.2016, 22:00
14.07.2016, 21:00

In collaboration with
Bolzano Danza – Tanz Bozen

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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