Museo Chiama Artista: Rä di Martino

06.04.2017, 19:00

Museion Passage

As part of the 31st edition of the Bolzano Film Festival Bozen

Rä di Martino, Il secondo uomo, 2016. Commissionato e prodotto da MIBACT e AMACI per il progetto Museo Chiama Artista, 2016. Courtesy of the artist, AMACI -  Associazione dei Musei d’Arte Contemporanei Italiani

7.00 pm Screening of the film “The show Mas go on”, Via Dr. Streiter 8/D,  Bolzano. 8.00 pm Meeting with the artist at Museion Passage.

Public meeting with the artist to talk about the release of his second film, entitled The Stand-in. The feature film, to be released in 2017, is a remake of the 1968 cult film The Swimmer starring Burt Lancaster and inspired by a short story by John Cheever.

Rä di Martino talks about the project and simultaneously presents the book dedicated to the film published by Humboldt Books. AMACI - Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums participated in the co-financing of the film as part of the fourth edition of the Museum Call Artist project.

Museo Chiama Artista: Rä di Martino


06.04.2017, 19:00

Location: Museion Passage

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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