WS explora 4 - An inside story


Storytelling techniques for narrating business ideas and creative projects

Foto: Claudia Corrent 

Two days of training dedicated to those who want to learn or perfect storytelling techniques applied to business projects, with a particular focus on creative and cultural ideas.

The objective of the workshop is to help participants to effectively talk about their professional and creative activities by knowing the storytelling techniques closely and applying them through simple and operational tools.

Participation fee for both days: 50 euros (30 euros for WS wall members).
For info, details and registration:

Day 1 – 9/06

What story does my project tell? From project to story…
Teacher: Claudio Branca, Innovation Manager - Storyfactory

Day 2 – 10/06

How do you write a story? From story to writing.
Teacher: Marco Ravasio, Storytelling Specialist - Storyfactory

WS explora 4 - An inside story



In collaboration with
Weigh Station

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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