MiBACT - Professione: fotografia

26.10.2017, 15:30—18:30

Round table that intends to explore the aspect of photography as a profession.

Foto: Luca Meneghel

The evolution of the photographic profession in recent times is generating an opportunity for profound reconsideration and re-foundation of the figure of the professional operator.

The entire professional photographic sector today sees on the one hand the strong perception of the values linked to photographic culture and the heritage coming from the experiences of the past, which must be preserved and reconsidered to keep the very identity of photography alive; but at the same time on the other hand, the pressing and very lively need to explore new techniques and narrative methods, of relationships with the public and with the market, following new expressive and operational paths.

In light of these important changes, the Bolzano stage of “MiBACT for photography: new strategies and new perspectives on the territory”, promoted by the Museion, intends to start a debate on the key issues of the sector: the training of new operators, professional certification , legislation and taxation. In collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. Followed at 7pm, a talk with the famous British photographer Martin Parr, in dialogue with Nicolò Degiorgis, curator of Hämatli & Patriae.

Maurizio Besana, Confartigianato Photographers
Marco Capovilla, Photography and Information
Ruggiero Di Benedetto, FIOF
Roberta Garofalo, AIFB
Giovanni Gastel, AFIP International
Marco Miglianti, ANFM
Andrea Nannini, CNA photographers – CNA Communication and Advanced Tertiary
Roberto Piccinini, AIRF
Roberto Tomesani, National Association of Professional Photographers TAU Visual

MiBACT - Professione: fotografia


26.10.2017, 15:30—18:30

Moderator: Michele Smargiassi

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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