Media Façade - Krüger & Pardeller

12.—14.12.2017, 22:00


Immagine: Courtesy of the artist

Opening: 2 December, 01.00 am (during the Long Night of Museums)

The video is inspired by the perspective geometries of the historic cinema Film Guild Cinema New York by Viennese architect Frederick Kiesler. Taking this project as a starting point, Krüger & Pardeller explored the projection mechanism of Museion’s media façade.

Doris Krüger and Walter Pardeller have been collaborating since 2005, living and working in Vienna.

Media Façade - Krüger & Pardeller

Media Façade

12.—14.12.2017, 22:00
12.12.2017, 18:00
07.12.2017, 22:00
06.12.2017, 18:00
05.12.2017, 18:00
04.12.2017, 21:00
02.12.2017, 01:00

Curator: Frida Carazzato

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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