Dialogical visit to the Doing Deculturalization exhibition

24.10.2019, 19:00
“Doing Deculturalization”, exhibition view. Museion, 2019. Foto: Luca Meneghel

Dialogical visit with Ilse Lafer and Sabeth Buchmann

“In what you say you leave no room for dialogue, they are reflections out loud that do not really address the other person (…). While I have the impression that, while I speak, I always keep the elements of dialogue in mind, to the point that you perceive them as irritation or annoyance”, states Carla Lonzi, art historian and feminist, in a 1980 interview with the theorist Michèle Causse. The “annoyance” indicated by Lonzi could be interpreted as a constant willingness to interrupt one’s speech. From this perspective, dialogue is understood as a sequence of interrupted speeches that give the other, the public, the space for their own speech.

In the dialogic guided tour through Doing Deculturalization, art historian and critic Sabeth Buchmann and exhibition curator Ilse Lafer intend to put a form of discourse of this type to the test. The visit is dedicated to Carla Lonzi’s dialogic form of thought and writing, to her turn to feminism and her (necessary) break with art. At the same time it also addresses the difficulty of updating Lonzi’s feminist project in art or in the exhibition of female art.

In German language.

Dialogical visit to the Doing Deculturalization exhibition


24.10.2019, 19:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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