Artist workshop for young people with Alessandra Ferrini

19.10.2019, 10:00—18:00
Alessandra Ferrini, A Bomb to be Reloaded (Chapter 2), video still, 2019. Photo by Leonardo Morfini, OKNO studio

ART WORKS! European Culture of Resistance and Liberation.

What does resistance mean today? What is the difference between historical partisan resistance and everyday resistance practices? In contemporary cultural and artistic production, what forms of resistance are present? And as artists, artists, cultural producers, how can we inhabit, perform and negotiate resistant positions?

Through practical and collaborative activities, the workshop will explore a multiplicity of artworks and materials, such as sound testimonies and texts from different historical and geopolitical contexts, to reflect on the concept of resistance. The workshop is the first stage of the European ART WORKS project! European Culture of Resistance and Liberation which will officially launch in the first months of 2020

Info and registration: – Tel. 0471 223426

Alessandra Ferrini (Florence, 1984) is an artist, researcher and educator based in London. Her practice is rooted in media-based (post)colonial and memory studies, historiographical and archival practices. In particular, her work is concerned with questioning the legacies of Italian colonialism and fascism with a specific interest in the past and present relationships between Italy and the African continent.

Artist workshop for young people with Alessandra Ferrini


19.10.2019, 10:00—18:00
18.10.2019, 14:00—18:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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