A Pier Luigi Siena

14.03.2019, 18:00

Book presentation

Museion hosts the presentation of a new publication dedicated to its first director, Pier Luigi Siena (1912-2003).

“A Pier Luigi Siena. Un omaggio per i 60 anni de Il Cristallo. Rivista di varia umanità” is the title of the volume edited by Sonya Beretta (Edizioni alphabeta Verlag 2018) with unpublished contributions by Carlo Romeo, Antonio Lampis, Letizia Ragaglia, Massimo Bertoldi, Barbara Ricci and Alessandra Limetti, together with testimonies from artists of the panorama cultural and artistic South Tyrolean culture. The different aspects of Piero Siena’s personality thus emerge from the interventions. The publication was created on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the magazine Il Cristallo, with which Siena has collaborated since its foundation, leading its artistic section for over forty years.

The publication, accompanied by a large selection of unpublished photographs, contains the reproduction of the original portrait of Siena painted by Karl Plattner, as well as numerous images offered by the Siena family, the Archive of the Teatro Stabile di Bolzano and private individuals. The volume is embellished with the captivating cover by the artist Arnold dall’O. In addition to the curator of the publication, Sonya Beretta, speakers on the occasion will include: Letizia Ragaglia, director of Museion, Carlo Bertorelle, director of the magazine Il Cristallo, Giorgio Negri, President of the Alto Adige Culture Centre, Massimo Bertoldi, Barbara Ricci and Alessandra Limetti, respectively author and authors of contributions in the volume.

The presentation takes place in Italian.

A Pier Luigi Siena


14.03.2019, 18:00

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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