Apparatus 22

Infinite Contradiction, 2016

Apparatus 22, Infinite contradiction, 2016 Tre bandiere unite (pelle nera riutilizzata, aste in legno, basi in acciaio); Ed. 2/3 + 3 AP H 200 cm, 140 x 80 cm (ciascuna). Fondazione MUSEION. Museo d’arte moderna e contemporanea Bolzano.  Photo Luca Guadagnini

Cubo Garutti

The Cubo Garutti programme is linked to the European project “Art Works! European Culture of Resistance and Liberation” that was established to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

The works exhibited examine the issues raised by the project and therefore reflect on the art of contemporary resistance. The works have been selected together with the artist Alessandra Ferrini, who was invited by Museion to help a group of young people reflect on the themes presented in the project.

The triangular sculpture presented was created by Apparatus 22, a transdisciplinary artistic collective, founded in January 2011 in Bucharest. It consists of three black leather flags sewn together to create a kind of “silent manifesto”.

Apparatus 22, Infinite contradiction, 2016. Tre bandiere unite (pelle nera riutilizzata, aste in legno, basi in acciaio); Fondazione MUSEION. Museo d’arte moderna e contemporanea Bolzano. Photo: Luca Guadagnini

The material and colour also reference youth subculture that promotes a positive message despite its “dark” look. The sculpture, in fact, should not be seen as an anti-flag or the symbol of a failed action, but as a fruitful coexistence of divergent perspectives.

Only three inter-coordinated people can move the sculpture. So, it becomes both a metaphor of the creative dynamics of the Romanian collective Apparatus 22, and an instrument that stimulates reflections on the power and other relations that are established within a society.

Apparatus 22

Infinite Contradiction, 2016


Location: Cubo Garutti

Curator: Frida Carazzato

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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