Vera Comploj e Cornelia Lochmann


Vera Comploj, Conversational Pieces, Part I, Still, 2016.

ZOTT Artspace Dolomites, San Cassiano/St. Kassian

A Ghost is a projection of our subconscious, produced by our imagination. This representation may be an illusion, but it can also reveal aspects of reality and everyday life.

With photographs and video installations by Vera Comploj (Bolzano, 1983) and paintings by Cornelia Lochmann (Bolzano, 1985), the exhibition aims to analyze existential problems such as identity and the importance of the relationship between society and the individual.

Phantasma is a collaboration between Museion in the format of an external Project Room in San Cassiano and ZOTT Artspace Dolomites.


Vera Comploj e Cornelia Lochmann



Location: ZOTT Artspace Dolomites, San Cassiano/St. Kassian

Curator: Letizia Ragaglia

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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