Libera Mazzoleni

Rhuma. Eritis Sicut Dei


Cubo Garutti

280 paintings of different and colorful fabrics show the names and dates of the tragic events that marked the twentieth century: wars, massacres, ecological disasters, violence against people, thefts, looting, mass repression.

It’s Rhuma. Eritis Sicut Dei, the installation begun by Libera Mazzoleni in 2004 and adapted for the spaces of the Cube. Dates and places from all over the world written in acrylic, in a military dispatch script, follow one another on squares of colored fabrics collected during travels. Poor and precious fabrics form, one next to the other, a colorful puzzle of memories, in which the best-known events, from Hiroshima to Chernobyl, from the Rwandan genocide to the collapse of the two towers, come together and gradually mix with individual destinies of little lives. Like that of Rhuma, which gives the work its title. Rhuma is in fact the name of an Afghan girl, victim of organ trafficking.

In her works Libera Mazzoleni uses writing in the double meaning of drawing and sign, form and communication. This also happens in this work exhibited at the Cubo, in which the visual work integrates with the complexity of historical testimonies. Libera Mazzoleni’s is the first of a series of exhibitions at the Cubo Garutti with works from the collection on the theme of the word, writing in relation to the image and architectural and urban space. The events are in close relation with the exhibitions at Museion, in particular with the project of guest curator Ilse Lafer and with the exhibition on the ANS – Archive of New Writing.


The exhibition of the work Rhuma. Eritis Sicut Dei by Libera Mazzoleni is part of a collaboration with ArtVerona for the Level 0 project.

The Libera Mazzoleni exhibition will be followed by exhibitions of the artists Roni Horn (05/28-05/08), Berty Skuber (06/08-14/10) and a series of works from the Edizioni Francesco Conz collection (21/10-2020).

Libera Mazzoleni

Rhuma. Eritis Sicut Dei


Location: Cubo Garutti

Thanks to
Frittelli Arte Contemporanea Gallery of Florence

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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