Olaf Nicolai


Ph: Karl Zöggeler, courtesy Südtiroler Rinderzuchtverband

The heart of Olaf Nicolai’s (1962, Halle/Saale, DE) project is a musical composition for cowbells that will be performed for the very first time in Museion – each cowbell is different and has its own unique sound.

While this special concert is being played inside the museum, outside it the banks of the Talvera will play host to a small herd of cows. Once the performance is over, each bell will be attached to a cow, meaning that a freeform, random version of the concert will therefore continue throughout the summer in the alpine pastures around Bolzano, coming to a close at the end of the September with a musical walk. The project links Museion to the agriculture of the surrounding area and the landscape, shaped by cultural and economic developments. Also part of the project is a hiking map and an LP of the compositions.

For the occasion, a hiking map and an LP published by Nero Press Edizioni will be published, which documents both compositions.

Olaf Nicolai (1962, Halle/Saale, DE) is professor of sculpture and basics of three-dimensional exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. His works have been exhibited in numerous solo exhibitions and international exhibitions, including the most recent Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (2016), German Pavilion, 56th Venice Biennale (2015), Musée du Louvre (2013), Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt/ M. (2013), Kunsthalle Münster (2012), Pinakothek der Moderne München (2011).

Olaf Nicolai


In collaboration with
Federazione Sudtirolese Allevatori Razze Bovine

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