Nicolò Degiorgis


Nicolò Degiorgis, Peak, un progetto nell’ambito della mostra Hämatli & Patriæ. Courtesy of the artist.

Museion Passage

Peak is the title of the second artist’s book presented by Nicolò Degiorgis in view of his exhibition project Hämatli & Patriae, which opens next September. The exhibition will develop through a dialectical structure, which puts different concepts and qualities into dialogue, even if they contradict each other. But what is also concretely connected are places apparently far from contemporary art.

The reflection on the idea of homeland by the 2017 guest curator Nicolò Degiorgis revolves this time around the Dolomites as a characterizing element of the landscape of the provinces of Bolzano, Trento and Belluno. A new version of the artist’s book “Peak” is on display at Museion Passage and at the former Eni Village in Borca di Cadore (Belluno). The images of the peaks follow one another, placed side by side two by two - from the absolute black of the night views to the dazzling light of the snow-capped peaks - recounting the principle of cyclicality that governs the life of the mountains. Both at Passage and at the Eni village the book takes the form of an installation. At Museion the pages of the book are displayed on the wall from ground to sky, reflecting the drive towards verticality of the peaks. In the former Eni Village, Peak instead becomes a triangular environmental sculpture, which with its geometry fits perfectly into the architectural and natural landscape of the village.

The Peak artist book is published by Rorhof.

Saturday 01/04, from 4.00pm to 8.00pm, Open-studio with guided tour of the former Eni Village and Nicolò Degiorgis’ Peak. In addition to the work of the Bolzano artist, the INTHEMOUNTAINS project by Giorgio Orbi will also be presented. Both artists will be present.
For more information: Borca project

Until May 14, 2017.


Nicolò Degiorgis



Location: Museion Passage

In collaboration with
Dolomiti Contemporanee

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