Nicolò Degiorgis

blue as gold

Nicolò Degiorgis, blue as gold, un progetto nell’ambito della mostra Hämatli & Patriæ. Courtesy of the artist.

Guest curator’s fourth satellite exhibition ahead of Hämatli & Patriæ

The journeys of migrants across the Mediterranean are at the center of the reflection of guest curator Nicolò Degiorgis. At the Plessi Museum near Brenner, E if the horizon were not the border? is presented, a video about crossing the English Channel between Calais and Dover. A new artist’s book, blue as gold, with images of migrant boats extracted from the internet, is on display at Passage.

blue as gold is a work created on the occasion of Nicolò Degiorgis’ artist residency at the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris in 2017.


Nicolò Degiorgis

blue as gold


Curator: Nicolò Degiorgis

In collaboration with
Autostrada del Brennero Plessi Museum

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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