Goldschmied & Chiari

Dove andiamo a ballare questa sera?

Goldschmied & Chiari, Dove andiamo a ballare questa sera?, Museion, Casa atelier / Atelierhaus / Atelier House, 2015. Foto Museion, courtesy the artists.

Museion Atelier House

Museion partecipates in the national exhibition project “L’albero della cuccagna, nutrimenti per l’arte”, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva and under the patronage of EXPO.

For the occasion, artists Goldschmied & Chiari have created a work on the 1980s in Italy, a period characterized by consumerism, hedonism, by socialist politicians and their neverending parties. At the end of any self-respecting party there’s always a bit of a mess. And if the party is a widespread state of mind that lasts a decade and becomes a whole chapter in Italian history, what’s left once it’s all over is a sorry sight indeed. For their installation in Bolzano, Goldschmied & Chiari focused on Italy’s era of abundance, the 1980s.

The result is a site-specific work staging the scene after the end of a party: the perfect metaphor for the decade. As they explain: “We were children in the 1980s, which were a period of consumerism, hedonism, financial speculation, mass media, socialist politics and parties. When doing research for the piece we came across a guide to Italy’s nightclubs written in 1988 by Gianni De Michelis, a politician and Foreign Minister at the time, entitled Dove andiamo a ballare questa sera? (Where shall we go dancing tonight?), with a preface by the television presenter Gerry Scotti. This was the inspiration behind the title.

Goldschmied & Chiari, Dove andiamo a ballare questa sera?, Museion, Casa atelier /Atelierhaus /Atelier House, 2015. Foto Museion, courtesy the artists.

The installation in the Museion studio house presents the scene at the end of a party. The work, which is only visible when the museum is closed, from dusk till dawn, shows the aftermath of the party, the leftovers of the feast: the metaphorical tree of abundance in ruins.” The new piece picks up from where another of the duo’s works, part of the Museion collection, left off, namely “Genealogia di Damnatio Memoriae”, 2009. This work is a living magnolia tree planted in the museum’s grounds (on the Talvera side).

The bark is carved with the dates and places of violent events that marked Italian history between 1969 and 1980: the period of the so-called Strategy of Tension, with the terrorist bombings in Piazza Fontana in Milan and Bologna Station. The genealogy carved into the bark ends in 1980, the very start of Italy’s decade of plenty, now distilled into a caustic new vision by the two artists.

Goldschmied & Chiari. Portrait: Toni Thorimbert.

Sara Goldschmied (1975) and Eleonora Chiari (1971) have been working as a couple of artists since 2001 in Milan. Goldschmied and Chiari express themselves through different media such as photography, video and installation. They have achieved international recognition thanks to numerous exhibitions, collaborating with prestigious institutions and museums in Italy and abroad. They participated in the 2009 Venice Biennale, the five-year Dublin Contemporary, the Berlin Biennale, Videozone, the Tel Aviv Video Biennale, the Sletto & Corso Biennale, Séléstat and the Rome Quadrennial.

In 2012 they won the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art award as the best young Italian artists, were nominated for the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Creative Arts Fellowship 2015 and were selected by the Museo del 900, Milan and the National Museum of Women in the Arts Washington for the exhibition Organic Matters, Women to Watch 2015. In 2007 they won the Arte in Cantiere award established by Museion, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bolzano.

Goldschmied & Chiari

Dove andiamo a ballare questa sera?


Location: Museion Atelier House

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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