Carmen Müller

Notizen aus Gärten

Carmen Müller, Notizen aus Gärten, exhibition view, Museion 2009. Installation view, Othmar Seehauser

For this project the artist Carmen Müller (*1955, lives and works in Merano) explored the numerous gardens of Alto Adige with great dedication and scientific precision.

She was drawn to the gardens of pensioners, which attracted her attention due to their singular “calligraphy”, and use of everyday objects, which in the garden setting undergo a fascinating mutation from their intended purpose. These observations led to interviews with the owners of the various gardens, which are gathered in the book, along with a series of photographs.

The artist focuses on the changeable nature of places and things - their status as part of a constantly evolving process which is highly conditioned by cultural and environmental factors. “Notizen aus Gärten” offers a precious insight into how spaces function as arenas for human experience, enabling us to look at the environment that surrounds us not just from a purely conventional, functional point of view.


Carmen Müller

Notizen aus Gärten


Curator: Letizia Ragaglia

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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