Andro Wekua

Workshop Report

Andro Wekua, Workshop report, exhibition view, Museion 2009

Andro Wekua was born in 1977 in Georgia, by the Black Sea coast. In 1994 he moved to Switzerland, and since 2007 he has lived and worked in Berlin and Zurich.

His home town, Sochumi, which was once a renowned seaside resort, has left him with a rich wellspring of memories, stories and imaginings that are perceptible in all of his wor­ks. Yet Andro Wekua is not interested in memories for their own sake: his works explore our reactions to certain images and situations. His paintings, which use bold, distinctive hues to colour black and white photographs and found images, are visual and emotive stratifications which await further sedimentation.

Viewing his works, as with a collage, visitors can combine all the micro-narratives, narratives that mingle fact and fiction, and personal and collective imaginings, constantly giving rise to new stories. At the hub of the exhibition there are two videos, “Sicut Lilium Inter Spinas” (2003) and “By the Window” (2008). The first begins and ends with the image of a house overlooking the sea, evoking fragments of the artist’s childhood which include his father’s funeral.


Andro Wekua

Workshop Report


Curator: Letizia Ragaglia

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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