
Jorge Otero-Pailos, The Ethics of Dust Installation view, Museion Passage. Photo credits: Luca Guadagnini

The entrance hall of the Museion building serves as a versatile and publicly accessible area. Originally conceived by the building’s architects as a connecting bridge between Bolzano’s historical and modern districts, this space has evolved over time into a venue dedicated to showcasing the Museion collection.

Dan Graham, Sonic Youth Pavilion (2008) Time Frame, Installation view, Museion Passage. Photo credits: Daniele Fiorentino

These presentations are offered free of charge, are created in close collaboration with local stakeholders and address contemporary themes and discourses. Hence, the Museion Passage has established itself as a central format for presenting the collection from new and embedded perspectives. The collection displays are complemented by public events and newly commissioned texts, providing a platform for local expertise. These initiatives are archived and integrated into Museion’s collection research and made accessible on the Museion website.

The Museion Passage program includes the Piccolo Museion - Cubo Garutti, a branch of Museion in the Don Bosco district in Bolzano, that hosts projects and activities related to the collection displays.

Admission to Museion Passage is free.


Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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