Pawel Althamer receive the KAIROS Prize 2013


The KAIROS-Prize 2013 was awarded to the polish artist Pawel Althamer for his oeuvre. “Paweł Althamer answers socio-political questions about participation, justice and individual scope for action using artistic strategies that undermine familiar structures and rules. The way we live, the way we work, the values that are important to us — his installations, performances and activities make us aware of these things, in surprising ways. He directs our attention towards things that appear self-evident or that we have repressed, and thus blends aesthetic sophistication with social sensitivity to produce a very distinctive artistic oeuvre that leaves its mark”, as the KAIROS prize jury explains its decision to bestow the award on him.

The KAIROS Prize, which is presented by the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S., is worth 75,000 euros, making it one of the most highly endowed cultural prizes in Europe.

In 2012 Museion dedicated a solo show (“Polyethylene”) to Pawel Althamer.


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