March 8: Free entry for women

Ph: Anna Cerrato. © Estate of Martin Kippenberger, Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne. © Maria Lassnig Stiftung / Foundation.

For Women’s Day, entry to the exhibitions is free for all ladies from 10am to 10pm

Art opens its doors once more: on Thursday 8 March for Women’s Day, entry to the Museion exhibitions is free for all ladies (opening from 10am to 10pm). The invitation is to visit the Body Check exhibition. Over sixty paintings and drawings show the particular and obsessive attention to the body of two great personalities such as Martin Kippenberger and Maria Lassnig.
“Both, Maria Lassnig and Martin Kippenberger, had the objective of giving shape to the misery of human existence: as a staging of the female and male body.” Thus writes the curator of the exhibition, Veit Loers. In particular, Maria Lassnig creates a large body of work mainly as a painter and designer and constantly works on a “painting of the body” also carried out in the spirit of female emancipation. For her, international recognition comes late; in 1985 you held your first retrospective at the Museum Moderner Kunst in Vienna; the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the Venice Biennale was in 2013.

Lassnig’s brushstrokes reflect a painful experience of himself and the world, immediately perceptible in the paintings exhibited at Museion. The artist Irma Blank, on the other hand, moves in a completely different register, currently on display in the studio collection with over 50 works and artist books; the brushstrokes drawn with blue ink in the Radical Writings resemble the rhythm of breathing and meditation.

The Installation Art exhibition is waiting to be explored, offering large-scale installations, videos and luminous works by over 16 artists from the Museion collection.

This special Thursday continues at 6.00 pm with Andreas Hapkemeyer. In the now usual event “ABC of contemporary art”, Hapkemeyer talks about how the art of our times has broken with tradition, showing examples of works from historical currents such as expressionism, cubism and dadaism. The meeting, in Italian, has free admission.

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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