Conversation meeting in December

Photo: Luca Meneghel

The Storie meeting returns on Tuesday 6 December, as always together with Brita Köhler, responsible for public services and educational projects at Museion.

How we enjoy brand new things! But sometimes it is precisely the slightly older objects that attract our interest and fascinate us. It is precisely that patina full of stories and events of ourselves or others that intrigues us.

In December the meeting of stories revolves around the new exhibition “Museion Prize 1”, where Sonia Kacem (Geneva, 1985) for example collects and reworks old and found materials, and then re-stages them in the exhibition space.

3.00pm – 5.00pm

Reservation necessary: 0471 223435/34;

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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