Nicolò Degiorgis announced as guest curator for 2017

Nicolò Degiorgis. Photo: Luca Meneghel

Nicolò Degiorgis is to follow in the footsteps of Rein Wolfs, Carol Yinghua Lu with Liu Ding, Pierre Bal-Blanc and Francesco Vezzoli as the next guest curator at Museion. His show is set to open in September 2017.

Born in Bolzano in 1985, he studied Oriental languages at Ca ’ Foscari University in Venice and Beijing, and teaches artistic photography at the University of Bolzano and in the city’s prisons. He is the founder of the publishing house Rorhof and curator at the foto-forum gallery in Bolzano. As an artist and photographer Degiorgis has had numerous exhibitions in institutions such as the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin, the Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa in Venice and the Architekturmuseum in the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich. Two of his works are currently on show at the 16th Quadriennale in Rome (on till 8th January 2017). His book “Hidden Islam” won the prize for best book at the renowned Festival Recontres d’Arles in 2014.

In 2017 Degiorgis will present a themed exhibition on the concepts of Heimat and homeland in the light of the ongoing situation in Europe. The exhibition, which opens on 15th September 2017, will be preceded, from January 2017 by five micro-exhibitions in Museion Passage on five previously unpublished artist’s books. Around the micro exhibitions Degiorgis will stage related events outside of Museion in the local area, on sites connected to the topics of the books such as the schools and prison in Bolzano. The idea is to take art of the museum, into places, settings and communities not normally associated with contemporary art.

“Our invitation to Degiorgis is in a very experimental vein: although he is our youngest ever guest curator, he is entirely at home on the international scene and at the same time boasts in-depth knowledge of the local area. In view of his main areas of interest, we believe he is the perfect candidate to curate an exhibition on the theme of heimat and homeland from a global perspective. After the positive experience with Francesco Vezzoli, we will continue with the formula of inviting an artist to be guest curator”, commented Letizia Ragaglia, Director of Museion, on the choice of Degiorgis as guest curator in Museion.

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