Singulare & Plurale, Hannes Egger’s performance during the Long Night of Museums

Photo: Nicolò Degiorgis

Artist Hannes Egger invites you to explore guest curator Nicolò Degiorgis’ exhibition Hämatli & Patriae through an audio performance. Each participant is assigned a headset, from which they can listen to a voice with instructions to follow: assume poses, enter the exhibition spaces, answer questions. The positions to be assumed are linked to some sculptures in the city of Bolzano, while the questions are taken from Max Frisch’s Diary of Consciousness 1966 – 1971. Each visitor receives instructions with a slightly out of phase temporality: thus a chorus of individual experiences emerges, a space of words and silences, which connects the individual participants with the exhibition and with each other. With this dialectic Egger thus follows the pairs of dialogue on which Hämatli & Patriae is built. Furthermore, as often happens in the practice of the South Tyrolean artist, through the body, the voice, the gaze, the public not only contributes to the constitution of the work, but at the same time becomes its vehicle, interpreter, constitutive element and co-author.

Long Night of the Museums of Bolzano
Hannes Egger, Singular & Plural, Audioperformance
8.30pm -10.30pm
Duration 20 minutes per visit.
Maximum 20 participants at a time.
The instructions are available in Italian and German

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