At Museion at the restoration school with the students of the Higher Education School, Matera branch

Photo: Museion

Open visits to the laboratory on Thursday 25/07 from 6pm to 7.30pm.
Free admission.

Being able to operate “in the field” in a museum and deal with its logic, timing and priorities dictated by exhibition projects: with this objective, Museion hosts, in the month of July, four students from the Higher Education School of the Matera branch (Diploma equivalent to the Master’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage) which is part of the Higher Institute for Conservation and Restoration of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities. The School - in its two locations in Rome and Matera - trains specialized restorers with laboratory lessons on public works of art or works of public importance, theoretical lessons and on-site construction sites.

Thanks to a biennial agreement activated until 2021, Museion hosts an educational construction site of the School: the students, supervised by the teachers, will check the state of conservation of some works from the Museion Collection which will be exhibited in the autumn exhibition on the ANS - Archive of New Scripture. The students will carry out, where necessary, small maintenance interventions, arranging the frames or fixing the supports and will be able to point out the works that instead require a more extensive restoration intervention. Furthermore, they will draw up a “condition report” on the works from the Museion Collection which will be loaned to the Sammlung Goetz in Munich for the “Tutto” exhibition (19.09.2019 - 29.02.2020).

The restoration site will be open to the public on long Thursdays at Museion on 18 and 25 July, from 6pm to 7.30pm: a unique opportunity to see the restorers at work and experience up close the point of view and the questions that revolve around the conservation of contemporary works of art.
For the museum, the project is followed by the Museion Collections department. The working group of the Higher Institute for Conservation and Restoration (ISCR) involves Francesca Capanna (Director of the Higher Education School of Rome); Giorgio Sobrà (Director of the Higher Education School of Matera); the direction of the works was Angelandreina Rorro, ISCR art historian; coordinator for the methodological setting phase of the School Construction Site: Francesca Graziosi (Marche Museum Centre); other teacher: Laura Tocci (free-lance restorer). The students hosted at Museion are Eva Esposito, Flavia Madeddu, Livia Marinelli and Isabel Tornaquindici (66th course, 4th year of the PFP2 Professionalizing Training Course - paintings on canvas and on board, painted wooden sculpture and contemporary art materials).

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