360° - John Armleder opens at MADRE in Naples - from September at Museion

Courtesy Fondazione Donnaregina per le arti contemporanee, Napoli. Foto: Amedeo Benestante 

360° is the title of the first retrospective exhibition dedicated to John Armleder, which opened on 22 June in Naples, at the MADRE museum of contemporary art Donnaregina. The Swiss artist who recently celebrated his 70th birthday is considered one of the masters of contemporary art - in over fifty years of career Armleder has developed a work that goes beyond the codes of criticism and the art system and overcomes the barriers between art and architecture, art and design, art and everyday objects.

The director of Museion Letizia Ragaglia was present at the inauguration of the exhibition (in the photo together with the artist, the curators Andrea Viliani and Silvia Salviati and the president of Madre, Laura Valente). In fact, from next September 22nd the Bolzano museum will also host an exhibition with which John Armleder will intervene on the spaces on the fourth floor of the museum. For the occasion there will be a publication produced in collaboration with the MADRE museum in Naples.

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