
Journey to discover the MSU Zagreb, Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art

7-8-9 September 2018

Guided tours and meetings, urban explorations and artistic workshops with Tonka Malekovic to get to know a unique city and one of the most dynamic and innovative museums in Eastern Europe. The activities and experiences planned during the trip will be taken up and explored in depth in a workshop scheduled for autumn in Bolzano.


September 7
Trip Bolzano - Zagreb + Activity #1
September 8
Workshop with artist Tonka Malekovic
September 9th
Urban exploration + trip Zagreb - Bolzano
(The complete program will be sent via email to those interested)

Registrations and costs:
By 02/09/2018
Email to: beartiful.bz@gmail.com
Participation fee: 50 Euros
While places last (max. 20 participants)
Age of participants: 16-20 years

WhatsApp: 340 4760871
Email: beartiful.bz@gmail.com

#beARTiFUL is a project born from the collaboration Vintola18 - Museion, with the support of Youth Policies - Alto Adige.

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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