
Jiří Kovanda, Kissing through Glass, Museion 2010. Foto: Museion

“Never more than now has art invited us to embrace our fellow citizens, the unknown and solidarity. Culture, in all its forms, in moments such as these, really does become a necessary commodity. Stay at home, stay with us, follow #TeleMuseion!” In a video message, the director of Museion, Letizia Ragaglia, launches “#TeleMuseion”: a series of initiatives via web and social media, in which Museion will remain virtually close to its publics not only by offering them content to consult but by involving them in on-line activities that anyone can participate in whilst staying at home. Museion remains physically closed due to the current health emergency but is active online with “#TeleMuseion”.

Long before the emergency, Museion was already making its heritage available through different digital channels: on its website in the section “explore”, for example, videos of exhibitions and of the museum are available; the catalogue containing the works of its collection is also consultable on-line. In addition, Museion is part of the Google Arts and Culture project in which it is represented with over 300of its works. But in this period of emergency, the museum is striving to become even more active on-line: as of today, March 13th, it will publish various contents and in-depth information on its current exhibitions “Intermedia. Archivio di Nuova Scrittura” and “Bestiario de Lenguitas” by the Argentine artist, Mercedes Azpilicueta. The various distance activities that Museion will offer under the title of #TeleMuseion take inspiration from these exhibitions

The imaginary creatures staged by the Argentine artist have inspired a video tutorial on how to create objects and dressing-up costumes at home. And there’s more…

In her exhibition, the artist Mercedes Azpilicueta talks about “infected bodies” and her works oppose irony, chaos and disorder, demanding instead order and transparency. It is these themes that shall be centre of the activity “Museion Ink” – Museion’s creative writing laboratory for young people, which will be extended on-line to include anyone that wishes to participate by submitting texts of their own creation, which will then be reposted on Museion’s social media channels.

For students and school children, moreover, didactic material will be made available for download on the Museion website. Futhrer activities are being planned and updated for the coming weeks, sothe invitation is to stay tuned and follow the developments with the hastags #telemuseion #museichiusimuseiaperti #iorestoacasa.

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Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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