#beARTiFUL all ready for the fourth edition!

Foto: Courtesy beartiful

Contemporary art for young people
with the ZimmerFrei collective

Bologna: 5 October 2019
Bolzano, Vintola18 and Museion: 24, 25 and 26 October 2019
Bolzano, Vintola18: 28 and 29 October 2019

Bringing young people closer to the languages of contemporary art by making them protagonists and authors of creative projects, accompanied by expert artists. These are the goals of #beARTiFUL. Following the success of the last editions, the organizers propose a route with a workshop in Bolzano and a trip to another city, which this time will be Bologna. The recipients are young people aged between 19 and 25 who are passionate about contemporary art and curious to learn more about its techniques and expressive languages. The project was born from the collaboration between Vintola18 – Youth Culture Center and Museion, with the support of the Youth Policy Office of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

The first laboratory will be an urban exploration of the city of Bologna. The second will be a workshop divided into three moments distributed over three consecutive days (24 October - welcome meeting, 25 and 26 October 2019 - laboratory activity) which will be held in Bolzano in the spaces of Museion and Vintola18. The scheduled activities are curated by the artistic collective ZimmerFrei and explore the themes of listening, time and landscape through audio recording techniques. “What happens in the time between pressing REC and pressing STOP on a recorder? How do you build an archive of environmental records? What is the relationship between listening, time and landscape? What are the possible ways of disseminating environmental recordings in public spaces?” These are the themes and questions addressed, also through selected listening sessions and practical exercises, in the workshops held by Massimo Carozzi and Anna de Manincor, founders of ZimmerFrei.

The two laboratories, in Italian, are connected and designed to offer training continuity to participants. Attendance at both activities is not mandatory, but strongly recommended.

#beARTiFUL invites to a double workshop for young people aged 19 to 25 on contemporary art
>Bologna: 5 October 2019
>Bolzano, Vintola18: 24, 25 and 26 October 2019
Registration cost for individual workshops:
70 Euros for the day in Bologna
50 Euros for the days in Bolzano
For those who register directly for both workshops the cost is 100 Euros instead of 120.
For information and registration: beartiful.bz@gmail.com

save the date: in the week of All Saints’ Day (28 and 29/10) an “Autumn Lab” will take place with the South Tyrolean artist Arianna Moroder for boys and girls aged 11 to 14. Free participation! Registrations: beartiful.bz@gmail.com

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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