Restoration School is back!


Events open to the public with the “ABC” of art:
Thursday 24th September at 6pm (in German)
Thursday 1st October at 6pm (in English) 

Reservation required

Museion is currently hosting a group of students from the Advanced Training School based in Rome and Matera for the entire month of September in order to give them the chance to work “on-site” at a museum and experience its rationale and deadlines. The Advanced Training School offers a Diploma course equivalent to a Master’s Degree in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets that is supervised by the Central Restoration Institute (ICR) of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

The school trains specialised restorers through laboratory lessons on works in the public view or of public importance, theory classes and lessons at real work-sites. Thanks to a biennial agreement active until 2021, Museion is currently home to one of the School’s training work-sites. This will involve the students checking the state of conservation of some of the artworks in the Museion Collection, under the supervision of their teachers, and conducting any necessary maintenance and restoration. They will also compile “condition reports” of the works displayed in the new exhibition “WALKING. Movements North of Bolzano” – The Erling Kagge Collection and help dismantle the solo show by the German artist Karin Sander (on display until 20.09.2020).

This shared project will include two events that are open to the public: on Thursday 24th September and on Thursday 1st October at 6pm as part of its series of “ABC of art” meetings, Andreas Hapkemeyer will talk with some of the students from the school about the concept of skill in art. This will focus particularly on the change that took place around 1900, when the technical aspect of art in a classic sense became secondary to the artistic idea and concept. Up until that time, art had been inseparably bound to artists’ technical skills, craftsmanship and ability to reproduce reality. But this process was challenged by the avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century, of which Cubist, Dadaist and Futurist collages, and Duchamp’s ready-mades are all concrete examples. The materials used in these works, however, are perishable too, and therefore require conservation and the intervention of skilled restorers. A fact that again shines a light on the question of materials and techniques.

The special “ABC of art” meetings are free, but reservations are required. This can be done via email ( or by phoning 0471223413.


For the museum, the project is organised by Museion’s Collection Department.


Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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