#TeleMuseion #Collection: Works originating from an action

Rossella Biscotti - Everything is somehow related to everything else, yet the whole is terrifyingly unstable - 2008 Cinque fotografie a colori su carta baritata montate su alluminio, 80 x 100 cm (ciascuna) Ed. 1/3 + 1 p.a. Museion. Photo: Courtesy the artist

This nucleus brings together works that result from an action and which, in different ways, through an action reread, commemorate, question a moment of the recent past or simply open a reflection on the flow of time.

You will therefore find the photographic series by Rossella Biscotti Everything is somehow related to everything else, yet the whole is terrifyingly unstable, the work by Vlad Nanca Commemora, the video installation by Teresa Margolles ¿How much can support a city? / How much can a city take? /Wieviel kann eine Stadt aushalten?

Works originating from an action


Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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