#TeleMuseion #MuseionPodcast: “Light Connections”

Photo: Asia De Lorenzi

The Light Connections project aimed to create connections - sound, visual, affective - between the center and the periphery, Museion and the Garutti Cube. Looking for alternative ways to stay close has become important today. We therefore present to you an evocative moment from the luce3 photographic laboratory created by the boys as part of the project, with the long exposure technique.

While at this link you will find the “sonic journey” from Museion to the Cube created with the voices of boys and girls in 17 different languages: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/museionpodcasttechno/episodes/2020-04-27T05_15_38- 07_00


Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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