Cristian Chironi


Foto, Luca Guadagnini / Lineematiche

Cubo Garutti

Part of

From Orani to Bolzano in a Fiat 127

Sharing stories, impressions, opinions and each other’s company in the open air, while picking and tasting different foods: Cristian Chironi’s project for the Piccolo Museion Cubo Garutti is inspired by the spirit of the picnic. From October 3rd to the end of the month, the artist will use the Piccolo Museion – Cubo di Garutti space  as his studio. This will include inviting the public to interact directly with the artist, as well as performances, meetings and workshops, created in collaboration with various local institutions.

The meaning of “being in and living a place”, but also of travelling through different areas and landscapes are at the centre of this artist’s art that is conceived first and foremost as a physical challenge. This is why the project for the Cubo begins with the journey Chironi will make from Orani (Sardinia) to Bolzano in his Fiat 127 Special (aka “The Chameleon”). This very special car will also be used in his first “Bolzano Drive” performance, on Saturday 3rd October, in which the artist will give a series of tours through Bolzano.

FIAT 127 Special (Camaleonte) – Museion version, 2020. © Cristian Chironi

When the tour is finished, the car will be displayed at the Museion Studio House for the duration of Cristian Chironi’s residence, and in the days that follow, the artist will be available to meet the public in his temporary studio at the Cubo Garutti, in the Don Bosco district of Bolzano. On October 15th at 7pm at the Museion Passage, a talk will be held with Jean Luis Cohen, the architect, architectural historian and artist. The event is organised in collaboration with the Free University of Bolzano, Arts and Design Faculty. 
(reservation required by writing to )

To conclude this variegated picnic, the experiences collected during this residency period at Bolzano and the Cubo, will be collected and re-processed by the artist in a project that will be on display in the Piccolo Museion exhibition space from 10.11.2020 to January 2021.

Foto Luca Guadagnini/ Lineematiche. Courtesy of the artist

Cristian Chironi (b. Nuoro, 1974) uses different languages by creating a sort of interaction between them. He has worked on performances and site-specific installations that always seek to interact with the human (public) and environmental (space) context.  He is currently working on a project called My house is a Le Corbusier, in which he lives in houses designed by the great architect in twelve different nations. Drive is his latest project that involves driving through different cities in a Fiat 127 Special, called “The Chameleon” on account of its ability to change colour according to the location in which it stops. In this performance, the artist himself will drive the car on a tour of urban reflection and views from a car window.

Cristian Chironi



Location: Cubo Garutti

Curator: Frida Carazzato

Part of
In collaboration with
Bolzanism Museum

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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