Hannes Egger

Hotel Cubo

Hotel Cubo. Foto: Luca Meneghel

Cubo Garutti

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to sleep in a work of art? Hannes Egger’s project invites visitors to do just that: to spend a night in the Piccolo Museion and see their own city in a new light.

Spending a night in a museum is not a new idea. But if the museum itself is also a work of art, things change. Hans Egger’s project “Hotel Cubo” invites visitors to become tourists in their own town. From April to June the Piccolo Museion will be transformed into a genuine miniature hotel, open to anyone wishing to spend a night there.

Egger’s invite is clear: this is an opportunity to take a fresh look at an area of Bolzano that many are unfamiliar with, yet that is packed with history and life. The project will give visitors a chance to reconnect with part of their own city, as the Hotel Cubo package includes an audio guide to explore the people and stories of the Don Bosco neighbourhood the morning after spending a night there.

There will also be two guided tours following the route suggested by the artist, at 11 am on 10/05 and 07/06.

For information on overnight stays or the audio guide tours please write to hotelcubo@museion.it


Hannes Egger

Hotel Cubo


Location: Cubo Garutti

Curator: Frida Carazzato

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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