MAPS from the Museion Collection

Photo, Fanni Fazekas

Museion Passage, Cubo Garutti

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This collaborative project focuses on the theme of maps launched by the “MAPS” exhibition on display from June 11th onwards at Museion Passage and the Cubo Garutti.

Poetical, political, real and fake maps by contemporary artists from the Museion Collection interact with the local area through a collaboration with Castle Tyrol – the South Tyrolean Museum of Culture and Provincial History. While the exhibition at Cubo Garutti inspires a series of cooperative initiatives with the Bolzanism Museum.

The MAPS exhibition at Museion Passage and the collaboration with Castle Tyrol

The “MAPS” exhibition is part of the new Museion Passage concept which, since last November, has been home to a new experimental format. By presenting artworks from the museum collection, the space on the ground floor of Museion connects with local cultural events.

This event combines a historical and a contemporary perspective. In fact, the maps presented in the exhibition at Museion interact with the historical maps presented at Castle Tyrol in the exhibition “Symbol, power and mobility. The Tyrol in historic maps” that focuses on the development of cartography in the Tyrol from the 16th century onwards (from 3rd July to 21st November 2021).

Photo, Fanni Fazekas

Maps have always been the expression of the scientific registration and transcription of landscape and geographical space. Conventional maps – like writing and musical scores – are a system of signs organised according to pre-established conventions. The exhibition at Museion, on the other hand, shows how contemporary artists have used maps – real or fake – to address political, spiritual, poetical, psychological or conceptual concerns. 

We can speak about poetical maps in the case of the artists Dick Higgins and Luciano Caruso; political maps for Joseph Beuys and Öyvind Fahlström, whereas Stephan Huber’s maps can be read as registers of psychological states. A spiritual vision of nature and landscape emerges in the works of Gianpietro Fazion. Piero Manzoni, Gianni Pettena and Stalker, on the other hand, take a conceptual approach to maps. The exhibition also presents a selection of artists’ books from the Museion Collection.

Cubo Garutti – Piccolo Museion and its collaboration with the Bolzanism Museum

The MAPS exhibition continues at the Piccolo Museion – Cubo Garutti, a branch of Museion located in the Don Bosco district of Bolzano at the public space work created by the Italian artist Alberto Garutti. Inside the Cube, two works by the Fluxus artist, Dick Higgins, entitled Map painting are on display.

These works by Higgins suggest images of old maps with the addition of arrows and signs expressing the idea of movement, travel and migration. On the theme of Higgins’ poetical maps, a collaborative project will be developed with Bolzanism, that for a long time has been interested in researching and mapping the linguistic and cultural communities from the districts of West Bolzano. More specifically, the exhibition at the Cube will activate a collaboration with the Bolzanism Museum as part of its Bolzanism Atlas project.

Dick Higgins, Map Painting, 1987-1988, Sammlung/ Collezione Museion – Archivio di Nuova Scrittura. Photo, Augustin Ochsenreiter

The project will make Cubo Garutti, an infopoint for the Bolzanism Museum, a kind of “outpost” of research and material on the theme of mapping and the starting point for a series di urban explorations.

From June to August, Bolzanism will also develop a series of public work tables and workshop activities, in collaboration with the Arts and Design and Educational Science Faculties at Unibz, on different modes of contemporary mapping. The meetings will focus, in particular, on the linguistic and cultural aspects of the districts in West Bolzano. (For the complete calendar, see the flyer attached).

Artists on display: Terry Atkinson and Michael Baldwin; Joseph Beuys; Luciano Caruso; Öyvind Fahlström; Gianpietro Fazion; Dick Higgins; Stephan Huber; Piero Manzoni; Gianni Pettena; and Stalker. Artists’ books by Francis Alÿs; Constant; Dick Higgins and Wolf Vostel; and Luca Vitone.

To mark the exhibition, a catalogue (Ita/Ger) has been published with texts by Andreas Hapkemeyer. Museion thanks Castle Tyrol for its cooperation and support in the production of the catalogue. This is part of the collaboration with Castle Tyrol for the “Atlas” exhibition that presents the work “Rimpf Atlas” by the artist Elisabeth Oberrauch from the Museion Collection (from 22nd May to 29th August 2021). Bolzanism Museum is a Cristallo Theatre, Cooperativa 19 and Campomarzio project.

MAPS from the Museion Collection


Location: Museion Passage, Cubo Garutti

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