Image to be projected until it vanishes

Image to be projected until it vanishes, Museion. Foto: Seehauser

“One way to look at how we define the present is to consider how we construct our relationship with the past – what’s important enough to be included or excluded”.

This is how the American artist Matthew Buckingham comments on his work “Image of Absalon to be projected until it vanishes”, the inspiration for the title of the group show curated by Minhea Mircan, on in Museion, Bolzano until 28 August. In Buckingham’s piece a slide of the equestrian statue of the legendary founder of Copenhagen slowly fades under the heat from the projector lamp: the gradual disappearance of the image challenges the monument’s attempt to fix meaning against the passage of time. 

Our relationship with the past as defining the present and future; a study of inclusion and exclusion, and the notions of transience, invisibility and obsolescence are some of the main concepts explored in the exhibition. Most of the artists come from Romania, but the works on show do not refer explicitly to the country’s recent history, and not directly registering the confusion generated by the transition to democracy. The works presented address broader, or more subtle concerns, extending beyond geographical confines.


Artists: Robert Bosisio (1963, Trodena – Bolzano, I); Pavel Büchler (1952, Prague, CZ); Mircea Cantor (1977, Oradea, RO); Hilario Isola (1976, Torino, I) und Matteo Norzi (1976, Turin, I); Kilobase Bucharest (Ioana Nemeș, 1979, Bucharest, RO – 2011, New York, USA and Dragoș Olea, 1979, Bucharest, RO); Alexej Meschtschanow (1973, Kiew, UA); Ciprian Mureșan (1977, Cluj, RO); Vlad Nancă (1979, Bucharest, RO); Navid Nuur (1976, Teheran, IR); Miklos Onucsan (1952, Gherla, RO); Serge Spitzer (1951, Bucharest, RO); Goran Trbuljak (1948, Varaždin, HR); Gabriela Vanga (1977, RO); Mona Vătămanu (1968, Constanta, RO) and Florin Tudor (1974, Geneva, CH).

Image to be projected until it vanishes


Curator: Mihnea Mircan

Museion Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bozen/Bolzano is looking for a surveillance officer with mediation tasks

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